Supporting you, in your journey towards living the life you deserve!

Allowing your body to work toward optimal health and wellbeing.

Complementary Practitioner - Communicating with the body to discover what is required to support wellbeing. Helping to relieve pain, release stress and increase energy.

Janet Williams, Email - Shamley Green, Guildford Mobile 07908 522136

Complimentary treatments do not diagnose or treat illness they work with the body releasing blocked energy pathways. Therefore should not be used as a substitute for consultations and treatments of a physician or a psychotherapist.

MindSet Priming

  • Focus

    Self Talk

  • Reflect


  • Refine


  • What is Mindset Priming?

    ‘The Greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitude of mind’. William James

    This workshop will give you the tools to challenge yourself and your clients to: Be more confident, fulfilled, happy and successful Get you life back on track Put any self imposed limitations and inhibitions behind you Turn your dreams into reality Achieve more exciting goals faster and more easily inspire others to be committed to your objectives.

    ‘Whats the mind attends to, it considers,  What it does not attend to, it dismisses. What the mind attends to continually, it believes, and what the mind believes it eventually achieves.’ Earl Nightingale

    Everyone of us is born with an unprogrammed computer! - Our Brain. Over time we gather life experiences, thoughts and beliefs that are stored and filed away to be drawn on later. When similar experiences crop up. Some are positive and will hold us in good stead for a happy fulfilled life and some negative and will hold us back.

    ‘Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think’ Benjamin Disraeli

    MSP will light up some of these stored memories and help you single out the ones that are having a negative affect on your life or are holding you back. Then  you can address them and refile them under a positive attitude or emotion. It will show you techniques to retrain your brain and unleash your true potential.

    ‘What you ardently desire,  Sincerely believe in,  vividly imagine,  Enthusiastically act on,  must inevitably come to pass’ Paul J Meyer

    1. Do you limit your ambitions and aim for a lower bar just in case you don't succeed? Or because you are not sure you are good enough? Why? 2. When you set new resolutions do you revert back to old habits, or when you introduce positive routines into your daily life find that you revert back to your old ways. Why?. 3. Do you put up barriers to inhibit your progress? Why?4. Do your dreams, ambitions, and goals seem so out of reach that you daren’t even speak them out loud or write them down? Let alone work towards them. Why?

    Mindset Priming will help you address the hidden root cause of:

    Not aspiring to your ideal life, Subconscious sabotage limiting your success.

Touch for Health Kinesiolgy

  • Focus

    Balancing Energy.

  • Reflect

    Unload past experiences

  • Refine

    Live the life you deserve

  • What is Touch for Health Kinesiology?

    Touch for Health is the most popular Kinesiology in the world.

    As a non-medical approach to wellbeing, it is a system that uses manual muscle bio-feedback to determine where there are physical, emotional, nutritional or energetic stresses and what can be done to alleviate them.

    Within the framework of the Self-Responsibility Model and Educational Model, TFH gently balances energy to enhance and optimise potential. Using gentle but highly effective techniques, TFH is acclaimed for helping to reduce pain, improve posture, alleviate stress, reach goals and maintain health.

    TFH is well known as a wonderful way to help ourselves, our friends and family or for anyone wishing to become a professional practitioner.


  • Focus


  • Reflect


  • Refine


  • What is Reiki?

    Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety through gentle touch. Reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy to your body, improving the flow and balance of your energy to support healing.

    Studies show that reiki therapy may be useful for reducing stress and anxiety, easing pain, and even improving your quality of life. It can bring about symptom relief and other improvements, like:

    Help with meditation

    Balance to your immune system

    Post-surgery healing of bones and tissues

    A natural form of healing one's self

    Support healing in those who have other medical conditions